Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sexy legs? Yes, please.

Legs.  We all have them.  For some of us (thanks Mom!), they're our best assets.  Whether you're a man who wants "sick wheels" or a girl who wants "gorgeous gams" there are a few moves you should be doing to train your legs to greatness.  Today, I speak of....the lunge! Static, reverse, forward, weighted, upside down or while flying, this is one move that can be easily tweaked to reach your goals.

First of all, and I promise I'll post soon explaining why (if you can't wait, e-mail or tweet and we can chat about it), but there is no reason for men and women to train differently most of the time.  I rely almost exclusively on resistance training and I promise, I lift heavy for my size.  Women, you will not get bulky unless you're eating 4000 Calories a day and men, you probably already know and love this move.  The sexes may train with different rep ranges or weight loads, but the techniques remain the same. 

The lunge.  Let's talk about why we want to even consider it.  It is going to target multiple large muscle groups throughout each repetition - the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and also gains support from smaller muscles like your hip flexors, calves, and core.  More pros?  It requires little to no equipment, only enough space to take a single step, it's easy to progress difficulty by using a variation instead of needing added weight, it will balance the strength between your legs (no more single leg dominance!), and it works the stubborn inner thigh.

So now it's time to talk proper form.  For the forward lunge:
  • Start by standing with feet hip width apart, eyes and toes pointing directly forward, hands on hips with shoulders open.  
  • Take one exaggerated step forward, this is the leading leg. Keeping your torso upright, shift your balance into the ball of the trailing foot and the firmly planted lead foot.  The trailing knee will begin to flex as you sink into your lunge with the lead leg.  
  • Still keeping torso erect, shoulders back, and head forward, allow lead knee to flex approximately 90 degrees, resulting in the trailing knee halting 1-2 inches above the floor.  The depth of lunge will vary based upon your hip flexibility.
  •  To rise, shift balance into lead foot and slowly rise.  Return lead foot to starting position in one smooth step.  
Watch the video for a quick demo and a short discussion of common mistakes.

Some of the common mistakes to be conscious of:
  • Torso position - don't lean forward!
  • Knee angle and position - don't let it collapse inward. 
  • Speed of your movement and control - don't rush it!
  • Range of movement - as long as flexibility allows, aim for the 90 degree flex.
Now, how do you cater this move to fit YOUR goals?  For all beginners - start with the static lunge.  This variation simply removes the forward step and you literally just move up and down in the squat stance.  For men, start adding weight on the forward lunge.  Hold a set of dumbbells while performing, or work your way up to performing with a barbell.  For ladies, I recommend a reverse lunge (take the step backwards instead) to prevent overemphasizing your quads and focus the work on your glutes and hamstrings.  Add weight as needed!

You've got the idea, now get to work.  Practice your form while you brush your teeth!


  1. Excellent tip for usage of teeth brushing time! Thanks!

  2. Ha! Obviously, I mean heaven forbid we stand still for literally 2 minutes of the day. :)
