Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Back in the saddle.

Literally.  I'll get to that part later.

Please excuse the recent hiatus.  I moved back to Jersey and have spent the last few weeks packing, unpacking, and generally pulling out all of my hair.  But here I am, sitting in my gigantic and glorious kitchen.  I have all my favorite cooking appliances and tons of counter space at my disposal. 

So, now that I've got all this kitchen, what will I do?  COOK! YES!!  Banana macadamia nut pancakes to be exact  (recipe below).  Pancakes are absolutely my favorite breakfast item, so I needed to find a way to make them a bit less terrible.  I also need them to be protein packed to get the right balance of nutrients for training...which brings us back to the saddle part. 

My crazy boyfriend has convinced me to join him in the Bike MS: City to Shore ride next month.  All 100 miles of it.  Please support our fundraising efforts and click HERE to make a secure online donation!  I agreed not only because this is an incredible charity, but also because of the connection Leor has with the race.  It was his first major fitness accomplishment after deciding to turn his life around.  After losing almost 100 pounds since his last race, the two of us are ready to take it on as a team.  It seems more than fitting that there is a mile for each pound he's lost.  We will be sure to use that as motivation when we are both ready to give up around mile 80.  I couldn't be more proud of him, so I will support him in any insane idea he comes up with - especially when there is such a positive charity attached. 

With all that said, here's the recipe for my pancakes!

In a blender, combine:
1 banana (super ripe is best)
2 tbsp of nonfat greek yogurt (my allegiance is to Fage, the creaminess makes a difference!)
2 egg whites
1/4 cup instant oats
Dash of vanilla extract

Once blended into a smooth mixture, add 1 tbsp chopped mac nuts (or whatever nut you prefer) and give it a quick stir. 

Place a large skillet coated with non-stick spray over medium heat.  Pour batter into skillet to make 2-3 pancakes.  Flip after you start to see bubbles and cook on other side to desired crispness.  Drizzle with whatever topping you like - a little almond butter, some maple syrup, or a bit of blueberry jam.  Just be sure to keep the topping serving size in mind! 

For more information about The National MS Society's event, including donating, volunteering, or even participating (I'd love to have a bigger team!) - check here.  Your support is critical for all those suffering from MS and for our participation in the event. 

Follow me on Twitter: @fitcookiemonstr
E-mail me: fitcookiemonster@gmail.com