Thursday, July 28, 2011


Cravings are like the monster in your closet.  They seem to only creep out in the wee hours of the night and they bring out the absolute worst in you.  With all the change that's going on in my life right now, I've had to work hard to avoid emotional eating.  Let's face it, even the healthiest people have their weaknesses...and sometimes, that weakness is a roll of Tollhouse cookie dough.  Last night, I threw all self control out the window and went to town. 

It's important to allow yourself the foods that you enjoy, so here are a few tips to allow yourself occasional (not daily!) indulgences without packing on major pounds.  

Know your reasons - Why are you craving the family sized bag of Ruffles?  Is it because you got in a fight with your best bud/lost your job/can't pay the bills or is it because you are just after a little salt fix? Be cautious about the former.  Emotional eating is dangerous and will only make you feel worse afterwards.  If it's the latter, continue on to keep the craving in check. 

Know your weaknesses - Do you have certain trigger foods?  If you can't seem to walk past the aforementioned bag of chips without sneaking a handful, then another, then another...don't keep it around!  If you have a craving for something, then you have to make the conscious decision to go to the store and buy it in that moment.  95% of the time, you'll realize you didn't want it all that bad.  And if you just need a few bites of that cake you just baked to satisfy, share the rest with your coworkers in the morning.  Don't keep the temptation around longer than necessary!

Know when to stop - Before I began my sugar fueled binge last night, I knew how much I could afford to allow myself before guilt would outweigh the pleasure derived from my indulgence.  Set a limit for yourself by scooping your Ben&Jerry's into a coffee mug (it will look much fuller than a big bowl with that same serving) instead of eating it straight out of the carton.  Again, you will become aware of your decision to have a second helping instead of noticing you've hit cardboard after mindlessly eating the entire pint. 

Damage control - Preparing for and undoing the caloric damage helps.  If you know you have a birthday party to attend this weekend and won't be able to resist that slice (or 2!) of red velvet cake and cocktails, amp up your workouts for a few days prior and be sure to eat lean and light.  I could feel my willpower unraveling all afternoon, so I set out for a long run to preempt a little of the damage I knew I'd be inflicting later on.  TAKE NOTE: this is not a good practice for daily life and canceling meals.  If this behavior becomes habitual, it is considered exercise bulimia and is incredibly dangerous. 

Getting back on the wagon - If you're feeling a little regret for your choices, be sure to stay extra diligent about your eating the next day.  Kick off your morning with a healthy (and not cheese laden) omelet loaded up with veggies and a side of fresh fruit.  Don't let one bad decision justify another!

Satisfy your cravings with healthy alternatives - Looking for something cold and sweet? Try frozen grapes instead of ice cream.  Need a little salt? Give PopChips or Pirate's Booty a try.  Love the satisfaction of crunching away?  Baby carrots or sliced apples will take care of your need to nosh.  My current craving smasher - Apple Straws.  The fruity, desserty cousin of Veggie Straws

Got a way to beat your craving demon?  Send your ideas my way!! Got a craving you want to satisfy in a better way?  E-mail me and I'll get cracking on a recipe! 

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